Photon BeamPro PS-2512
Artikelnummer: 1772
959,90 €
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Lieferzeit: 1 Tag(e)Beschreibung
Photon BeamPro PS-2512 FireWire Beam Pro, Beam Profiling
Hersteller: Photon
Typ: BeamPro PS-2512
Bezeichnung: Laser Beam Diagnostik
The FireWire BeamPro is a camera-based beam profiling system that provides highly accurate NIST-traceable measurements of ISO Standard beam profile parameters, including beam diameter, centroid, and power/energy, with enhanced ease of use and portability.
- Video Dual Aperture Profiles
- Beam Statistics
- 3D Profile View
- 2D Topographic View
- Up to 15 Time Statistics Charts
- Pointing/Targeting
- M2 Interactive Wizard
- Notes
1 x Photon BeamPro PS-2512 FireWire im Koffer
1 x Software CD Version 1.30
1 x Manual